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INCI AKU _ 3 AÑOS 6X4.png

Founded in 1952, İnci Akü is the leading battery in Europe, thus being the original battery of the big brands. Nissan, Fiat, Ford, Peugeot, Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Renault and Opel and in industrial vehicles

CAT, Linde, STILL, Komat´su, Toyota, TCM, HMF, Hangcha, Crown, Hyster, Yale, Hyundai, Diversey, Atlet, among others.


An easy way to know which battery your vehicle needs is by measuring the space for the battery.

Choose the battery that best suits the space.

To find out if my battery is with positive left or right, look at the battery from the front (like the product photo) and see in which hand the positive terminal is, so you will know if you need a positive battery on the right or positive on the left .

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Red de Ventas Global - Garantía Mundial



İnci GS Yuasa exportando a más de 80 países

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Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-25 a la(s) 10.55.26.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-10-25 a la(s) 10.55.39.png
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